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FK UNS Holds Annual Gathering and Appreciates Retired Staffs


Humans as social beings who cannot be separated from interactions with other humans in everyday life certainly make mistakes, both intentional and unintentional. The big family of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) who almost every day meets and interacts in business matters or other things also certainly has faults between each other.

In the moment of Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijriyah, the Faculty of Medicine UNS held an Annual Gathering which was held on Monday (9/05/2022) at the FK UNS Auditorium and was attended by all leaders, lecturers and education staff within the Faculty of Medicine. This hybrid activity was attended by 250 offline participants and 50 participants in the Zoom application.

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K), in his direction said that the purpose of this activity was to strengthen brotherhood and strengthen cooperation.

"Ladies and gentlemen who are present on this occasion are components of the Faculty of Medicine UNS where this is a teamwork for FK UNS to be able to realize its vision and mission. The Faculty of Medicine is increasingly becoming a big ship, so it needs to maintain its ties of kinship,” Prof. Reviono said.

On this occasion, the Faculty of Medicine of UNS also expressed its appreciation to lecturers and education staff who retired from duty in 2022. A total of 4 retired people in the Faculty of Medicine were given gifts and mementos as an appreciation for their dedication while serving in FK UNS. The 4 full-time lecturers and education staff are:
1. Prof. Dr. Zainal Arifin Adnan, dr., Sp.P.D-K.R with a service period of 43 years and 2 months.
2. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Fanani, dr., Sp.K.J (K) with a service period of 42 years and 2 months.
3. Nuryanto, S.E., M.M with 31 years and 6 months of service.
4. Joko Santoso with a tenure of 34 years and 2 months.

Prof. Dr. Zainal Arifin Adnan, dr., Sp.P.D-K.R as the retired representative who gave a very grateful speech and thanked the entire FK UNS academic community for giving appreciation.

"I feel honored to be released in this halal bihalal gathering and I can't go into words because I feel touched, I can only pray that all those in the Faculty of Medicine will be given health and goodness," Prof Zainal said.

He advised the leadership of FK UNS if the success of a leader depends on the supporting components, therefore good cooperation is needed in achieving a goal. Not to forget, he also appreciated the progress made by FK UNS to continue to be maximized to make it even better.

The Rector of Universitas Sebelas Maret, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum, who was present in the middle of the event also gave his speech. He felt proud to be present in the midst of the academic community of FK UNS because the progress of the Faculty of Medicine as it is now cannot be separated from the participation of the academic community who attended this event.

“Here gathered my friends who are pious scholars, elected people, the best people in the Faculty of Medicine. Because I am sure that the current Faculty of Medicine is very advanced because it is decorated by doctors, education staff, and other health workers who are all united in advancing this Faculty of Medicine,” Prof. Jamal said.

The event was closed with a prayer reading by the Coordinator of the Administrative Section of FK UNS, Usman Sudarmaji, S.E., M.Acc and followed by a group photo.


Reporter    : Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor         : Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator  : Wartini