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Online Workshop for Health Librarians Session 2: Finding a Target Journal for Publication


On Monday (11/04/2022), the Health Information and Technology for Improved Health Education in South-East Asia (HITIHE) Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) team held an online workshop follow-up session for Health Librarians with the theme 'Finding a Target Journal for Publication'. Workshop participants came from FK UNS, Tropical Medicine Center, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing at Gajah Mada University (UGM), National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) in Cambodia, University of Health Sciences (UHS) in Cambodia, Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) in Belgium, and Maastricht University in the Netherlands. The speaker in the first day of the workshop was Riah Wiratningsih, S.S., M.Si, the Head of the Information and Communication Technology Development Division of the UNS Library. The event was opened by Maria Zolfo, M.D., PhD, specialist in Infectious Diseases from ITM Belgium.

In this activity, a pretest was conducted before the presentation of the material by Riah Wiratningsih, S.S., M.Si using the quiziz application. The material explained about ‘Finding a target journal for publication’, how to find the right journal target and evaluate journal targets for journal publication. Participants consisted of health librarians as well as teaching and academic staff from the Faculty of Medicine, especially in the field of tropical infections. Health librarians play an important role in intermediary knowledge in assisting academic staff and publication requirements. Given the importance of health librarians, it is necessary to develop knowledge in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). In order to support a well-functioning health library service, health librarians need to be given training in the management of innovative online platforms and how to support the needs of staff (and students) in accessing quality health information, especially on open digital platforms (Open Access Resources). At the end of the material, participants were given a practical exam on evaluating journals using tools. Each participant is asked to prepare an abstract that can be downloaded on the internet and evaluate the selected journal with the criteria of journal evaluation tools. Then participants were asked to evaluate the journal in ‘The Open Infectious Diseases Journal’ using Scopus content coverage, DOAJ list, and Beall's list and then examine whether the journal is recommended or not.

This activity was held as a form of cooperation in the HITIHE project between UNS, UGM, ITM, NIPH, UHS, and Maastricht University in building the capacity of health librarians by exchanging experiences of health librarians at each university with supervisors from ITM Belgium and Maastricht University, Netherlands. We hope that with this workshop, health librarians can support teaching and academic staff in information management and scientific writing and support the delivery of scientific writings to open digital platforms.


Reporter    : Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor         : Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator   :  Wartini