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FK UNS Held Tarawih Prayer Event with the Topic 'Healthy and Happy with Fasting: Medical Studies and Neuroscience'


In order to enliven Ramadan 1443 H, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta through the Islamic Religious Trustees (PAI) held many religious activities, one of which was holding a Tarawih Keliling (Tarling), a Tarawih Prayer Event that was held in each faculty and unit alternately. On Friday (15/4/2022) the Faculty of Medicine (FK) had the opportunity to hold the Tarling event which was attended by university leaders and UNS academic staffs.

The activity, which began with the evening prayer, was followed by tarawih prayer in congregation and filled with a study with the title ‘Healthy and Happy with Fasting: Medical Studies and Neuroscience’ delivered by Nanang Wiyono, dr, M.Kes., FK UNS lecturer.

In his remarks, the Rector of UNS, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum, expressed his gratitude because in this month of Ramadan UNS received many blessings. One of these blessings is that several Study Programs (Prodi) from the Faculties at UNS are internationally accredited. According to Prof. Jamal, this is an undeniable promise from God, while he hopes that all UNS academic staffs will always receive other blessings from God.

On this occasion Prof. Jamal also expressed his gratitude to the academicians of FK UNS who had helped prepare Tarling to run smoothly.

"I thank Prof. Reviono and his staff who have prepared this event. Likewise, the study is very useful, so we know that fasting is part of a healthy and happy life,” Prof. Jamal said.

In his study, Nanang Wiyono said that actually fasting can effectively lose weight.

“Fasting physiology, what happens when we fast. So technically biologically we enter fasting after the last 8 hours we have eaten. If we have sahur at 04.00, more or less 8 hours are added, around 12.00 we have entered the fasting phase. So, digestion begins with food entering, then it is processed (chewed) and moved to the lower digestive tract, then later it will be processed into the stomach and later it will be absorbed or assumed in the small intestine for approximately 8 hours.”

“After entering the fast, the first source of energy used is glucose, this sugar is used for energy. Then 8 hours of sugar levels in the body run out it will break down fat. So that fat will be used as an energy source after the sugar levels in our body run out. “If we don't fast, we are tired, we will drink iced tea or something sweet to recover our energy. In fact, if we are patient, we hold it for a while the body will break down our fat so that it reduces the fat reserves in our body," dr. Nanang explained.

According to Nanang Wiyono, apart from being effective in losing weight, fasting can also slow down aging and prolong life. Besides that, during this fasting process, we will experience detoxification or the removal of toxins from the body.

Nanang Wiyono also conveyed the link between fasting and brain health. Because in the human body system, the brain is part of the nervous system which functions to regulate all body activities, from waking up to sleeping again. Even when a person is asleep the brain will still work. "Fasting is an effort that affects our brains. It's now 14-15 days of fasting, where you have become more energetic and then your concentration also increases. Later, after the next 16 days, the body will be more energetic, concentrate, and strengthen our memory," he concluded.

The full video of this event can be accessed at the following link:



Reporter    : Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor         : Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator   :  Wartini