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Congratulations on the Opening of the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Sebelas Maret


The Psychology Study Program (Prodi) of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) has officially changed to the Faculty of Psychology in accordance with the Decree (SK) of the Chancellor of UNS number 319/UN27/HK/2022 dated March 11, 2022. This change was a form of flexibility from UNS which has the status as a Legal Entity State University (PTNBH) in terms of educational autonomy.

As stated by the Rector of UNS, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum, in the agenda of UNS Alumni Association (IKA) event which took place online on Wednesday (6/4/2022), if by changing the status of UNS to PTNBH, UNS had a lot of flexibility in its management, one form of PTNBH flexibility was the existence of management autonomy such as education autonomy, HR management autonomy, financial management autonomy and others that allowed to accelerate the pace of development of UNS.

“One of the benefits of PTNBH is the autonomy of education. With the autonomy of education, we can accelerate, for example, opening and closing study programs, for example. And with PTNBH, it includes opening a new faculty,” Prof. Jamal said.

Furthermore, Prof. Jamal explained that the consideration to increase the status of the Psychology Study Program to become the Psychology Faculty was one of the reasons for the large number of interests from the Psychology Study Program. In addition, the quality of the Psychology Study Program is considered sufficient to increase the level to become a faculty both in terms of accreditation, curriculum and human resources.

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K), in this event said that the Psychology Study Program, which has now become the Psychology Faculty, was deemed not to take long to adjust to changing status from a study program to a faculty. This is because the Psychology Study Program has been independent in its management for a long time even though it has been under the Faculty of Medicine and since its establishment until the course of the Study Program it has always occupied a separate place from the Faculty of Medicine and the teaching staff and educational staff have never changed.

Prof. Reviono on this occasion hoped that with the resources of lecturers and education staffs who were still relatively young, they could bring the Faculty of Psychology to be more developed with fresh and forward-looking thoughts.


Reporter    : Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor         : Ari Kusbiyanto