28 New Names of Buildings in UNS Inaugurated by Rector Located at FK UNS Auditorium
A great nation is a nation that does not forget the services of its heroes. This is what makes Sebelas Maret University (UNS) feel the need to give appreciation to the figures who have contributed to the development of UNS and have made UNS proud both at the national and international levels.
Coinciding with a series of activities for the 46th Anniversary of UNS, on Friday (1/04/2022) the Rector of UNS, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum, inaugurated 28 new names for buildings in UNS.
According to Prof. Jamal, the naming of this building was not only as a form of appreciation but also to bring good memories to the figure whose name was used as the name of the building in the UNS environment.
"At least the use of these names will bring back sweet memories, which in our society there is a term that says don’t be a peanut which forgets its skin (Indonesian proverb). Don't let our students, don't let our teachers, our lecturers, our education staff not know the names,” Prof. Jamal said.
Prof. Jamal also encouraged leaders at the faculty level to understand the figures whose names were used as the names of buildings in their faculties so that they could provide accurate information to the academic community in their environment.
Chairman of the 46th Anniversary of UNS who was also the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K), said that the preservation of this name was a form of appreciation from UNS.
"This is an effort or appreciation from the UNS academic community for the predecessors or founding fathers of UNS," Prof Reviono said.
The event, which took place in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine, was not only attended by the UNS academic community but also attended by the heirs of the figures whose names were immortalized. These heirs received a certificate of appreciation from the Rector of UNS as a form of gratitude for UNS to the families of figures who have served UNS.
The list of buildings names that were inaugarated by the Rector:
1. Building Pusbangnis-UNS Kleco : Haryono Darmowisastro
2. Building LPPM/LPPMP : Haris Mudjiman
3. Building UNS Tower : Ki. Hadjar Dewantara
4. Building UPT UNS Integrated Laboratory : Sri Handayani
5. Building PUI Javanologi : R.Ng. Ranggawarsita
6. Building Javanologi : R.Ng. Yosodipura
7. Building UPT Library : Ki. Padmasusastra
8. Building 2 Faculty of Art and Design : HB. Sutopo
9. Building I Faculty of Law : Prajitno
10. Building II Faculty of Law : Setiono
11. Building III Faculty of Law : Amiek Sumindriyatmi
12. Building A Faculty of Medicine : Soetjipto
13. Building B Faculty of Agriculture : Supratoyo
14. Building Faculty of Sports : Soepiarto
15. Building 1 Faculty of Social and Political Sciences : M. Sartono
16. Building 2 Faculty of Social and Political Sciences : Parwoto
17. Building 3 Faculty of Social and Political Sciences : Zainuddin
18. Building 4 Faculty of Social and Political Sciences : Totok Sarsito
19. Building I Faculty of Cultural Sciences : R.I. Muljanto
20. Building III Faculty of Cultural Sciences : I. Suharno
21. Building IV Faculty of Cultural Sciences : Edi Sudadi Maryono
22. Building III Faculty of Engineering : RPM. Kasifudin
23. Building I Faculty of Economics and Business : Soeharno TS
24. Building II Faculty of Economics and Business : Djarwanto PS
25. Building III Faculty of Economics and Business : Suhardi
26. Building IV Faculty of Economics and Business : Bachtiar Effendi
27. Building V Faculty of Economics and Business : Soedarah Soepono
28. Building F Faculty of Teacher Training and Education: Soemarno
Reporter : Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor : Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator : Wartini