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Lecturer of Psychology FK UNS Berliana Widi Scarvanovi, M.Psi., Psychologist : 'Gender Oh Gender'


The current public understanding of gender is still not completely correct. This is known when conducting gender socialization activities at the sub-district and village levels. Many socialization participants thought that gender was identical to women and some even thought that gender was the same as gender.
Therefore, efforts are still needed to straighten people's understanding of the true meaning of gender.

Gender comes from the Latin, namely ‘genus’, meaning type or type. Gender is the nature and behaviour attached to men and women that are socially and culturally shaped. Because it is shaped by local social and culture, gender does not apply forever depending on the time (trend) and place.

Gender is determined by local social and culture while sex is the division of sex determined by God.

From the above understanding it can be concluded that gender is:

A set of attitudes, roles, responsibilities, functions, rights, and behaviors inherent in men and women as a result of the formation of culture or the community environment in which humans grow and are raised.

Directorate General of Gender Equality Student Executive Board (BEM) Vocational School (SV) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), held an online Equivalent Webinar 2022 event via Zoom Cloud Meeting on Saturday (26/3/2022). Inviting three resource persons, one of the invited speakers was a Lecturer of the Psychology Study Program (Prodi) of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) Berliana Widi Scarvanovi, M.Psi., Psychologist.

Quoted from the material presented by Berliana Widi Scarvanovi, M.Psi., a Psychologist, in the Webinar she mentioned: We must become a generation that cares about gender equality. He also emphasized that realizing gender equality does not mean making women the same as men.

The way to become a generation that cares about gender equality can be started from oneself, getting used to the division of labor that is not based on gender benchmarks, parenting boys and girls, and providing equal opportunities for boys and girls. to avoid gender discrimination. There are also forms of gender discrimination that are usually found including restrictions on education, job restrictions, sexual harassment, and domestic violence (KDRT). The impact of someone who experiences gender discrimination, the victim will feel humiliated, embarrassed and intimidated, feel guilty, decrease motivation, appear psychological symptoms such as depression, anxiety and nervousness, and can disrupt family life, when this happens, appropriate psychological treatment for victimization is to make the victim feel safe, connected to others and have hope, to give the victim social and emotional support, and to feel able to help themselves.

Quoted through the Women's Studies Encyclopedia that gender is a cultural concept that seeks to make a distinction in terms of roles, behavior, mentality, and emotional characteristics between men and women who develop in society. PUBLIC RELATION OF FK UNS.


Reporter: Ari Kusbiyanto
Editor: Muh. Abu Dawud
Translator: Wartini