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Anatomy Laboratory of FK UNS Creates Digital Anatomy Applications


SEMESTA Team Matching 2022 brings together inventors (lecturers) and executive teams (students/alumni) to innovate together and join SEMESTA (Startup Academy Sebelas Maret) by the Startup and Incubation Division, Directorate of Innovation and Downstream, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta.

This event invited lecturers at Universitas Sebelas Maret, from the Faculty of Engineering (FT), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Faculty of Agriculture (FP), Faculty of Medicine (FK), and Faculty of Math and Science (FMIPA) to present the results of their respective innovations at UNS Inn on March 22, 2022. The lecturers would carry out a presentation for 3 minutes (maximum of 10 slides) related to innovations that are owned and will be met with students as an executive team (hacker, hipster, hustler) so that the formed team could participate in SEMESTA activities (Startup Academy Sebelas Maret).

From the Faculty of Medicine (FK), the team was represented by Nanang Wiyono, dr., M.Kes. et al from the Anatomy Laboratory who presented Digital Anatomy applications, namely Smartnatomy and deARnatomy, anatomy learning applications that use 3-dimensional technology and augmented reality.

After the presentation from each inventor, it was followed by the formation of a team consisting of the inventor and a support team from students. It is hoped that later it will be able to submit a proposal for the 2022 UNS Universe.

After the team was formed, mentoring was continued from the business side by developing a BMC (Bussiness Model Canvas). Public Relation of FK UNS.


Reporter    : Ari Kusbiyanto
Editor        : Muh. Abu Dawud
Translator    : Wartini