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Webinar on ‘Integrated Treatment of Hearing Loss in Children’


In the digital era like nowadays, the use of gadgets cannot be separated from everyday life. Not only for adults, but also children often use gadgets. Besides being used as a means of participating in online learning, the use of gadgets for children is also a means of playing games. Earphones as a tool that are often inseparable in the use of gadgets have a bad effect on children's hearing if their use is not monitored by parents. Hearing loss in children, apart from wearing the wrong earphones, can also be caused by a noisy environment. If not handled properly, hearing loss in children will be bad for the growth and development of children in the future.

Based on this, the Association of Ear, Nose and Throat – Head, Neck Disease Experts (PERHATI-KL) Surakarta Branch held a webinar with the theme ‘Integrated Treatment of Hearing Loss in Children’ on Saturday (19/03/2022). This online activity was attended by more than 300 participants from various cities in Indonesia.

The chairman of PERHATI-KL Surakarta Branch, Putu Wijaya Kandhi, dr., Sp.THT-KL(K), FICS in his remarks said that this webinar was a part of the World Hearing Day event which would fall on March 3, 2022 as well as to commemorate the UNS 46th Anniversary of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS).

This event was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS), Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P (K). In his speech he said that hearing problems are very strategically important for general health, because for children in the process, the growth of the ear organ places a strategic position for their next development.

This webinar was filled with material by 4 speakers as follows:
- Anton Christianto, dr., Sp.ENT-KL., M.Kes brought the material ‘Code of Medical Ethics’.
- Novi Primadewi, dr., Sp.ENT-KL (K)., M.Kes brought the material "Hearing Disorders Due to Noise in Children’.
- Madhita Kasoem Madjid, dr., M.Sc Audvestib Med presented the material ‘Electro Acoustic Examination & Electro Physiology in the Diagnosis of Hearing Loss in Children’.
- Dr. Siti Faisa Abiratno, dr., Sp.THT-KL., M.Sc Audvestib Med brought the material ‘Technology Development in Handling Children with Hearing Loss’.

By holding this webinar, it was hoped that it will provide new information in the treatment of hearing loss in children. The full video of the webinar can be accessed on: .



Reporter    : Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor         : Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator  : Wartini