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FK UNS Students Win 1st National Level in the Stunting Prevention Educational Video Competition


The three students of the Medical Education Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret, namely: Reza Pahlevi Prastawa, Elizabeth Yuaninda, and Marsa Zaidan won 1st place in the Health Video Competition after shifting 20 other participants.

This competition event was organized by the Social Movement to Prevent Stunting, a movement promoted by the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) of the Republic of Indonesia. Also cooperating with AMSA and CIMSA Indonesia, medical student organizations in Indonesia. The theme of the competition at that time was 'Nutrition – Good Nutrition for A Better Generation'.

The three UNS FK students were moved to participate in this event because they needed to socialize by making creative videos in preventing stunting to the Indonesian people in particular.

Stunting is a decrease in the rate of growth in children, which prevents children from reaching their full potential in their growth and development. Not only that, mental disorders and motor delays can also be hampered, caused by a lack of proper vitamin and mineral intake from time to time. The following understanding inspires the motivation of the three UNS FK students that the development of physical and mental health is a basic right of every child but not all children in Indonesia enjoy this right.

The three FK UNS students hope that by participating in this national competition, they can visualize through videos made about the importance of preventing stunting in our country. Thank you to all the viewers who have supported us in making this video and hopefully it can inspire people to care about children's health.

Let’s prevent stunting! If not us, then who!




Reporter   : Ari Kusbiyanto
Editor        : Muh. Dawud
Translator : Wartini