Laboratory Website Development Training in the Faculty of Medicine UNS
In the era of rapid development of technology and information like today, the role of the internet in disseminating information is vital. Various information that someone wants to get can be easily obtained by accessing the internet. One of the media that is often accessed by people to get information is a website.
Website is a collection of pages in a domain that contains various information so that it can be read and viewed by internet users through a search engine. Information that can be contained on a website generally contains image, illustration, video, and text content for various purposes. In addition to disseminating information, the benefit of making a website is as a branding of a company or agency in offering its products or services.
The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) in facing the development of technology and information also strives to continuously improve its quality in presenting information to the public.
One of the efforts of FK UNS in improving the quality in the field of technology and information was by holding a Website Development Training for Laboratories in the Faculty of Medicine UNS. The activity, which was held on January 31, 2022, was attended by all 32 education staffs or laboratory staffs at FK UNS.
In his speech, the Dean of FK UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K), said that if in this digital era there were no boundaries, people would be free to access unlimited information.
“That in this digital era, it is paperless, there are no boundaries, boundaries and the ability to access a person is almost unlimited except for certain accesses that are confidential. But for now, the information is not limited, but there is information that is valid but many are hoaxes. On the one hand, the progress of information communication technology is developing, but on the other hand there are side effects.
Moreover, Prof. Reviono explained that information or activities carried out by FK UNS must be well accessible to the wider community. The easiest and most efficient way is through the website, this is because almost everyone currently has a cellphone or laptop with an internet network so that people will find it easy to find information.
Arif Wicahyanto, A.Md, FK UNS education staff in the field of technology and information development, as a resource person, provided material on website introduction, the basics of website creation, how to fill in news or content on the website as well as some material related to the website.
This activity was expected to be able to make the laboratory website in the UNS FK environment more developed and can provide a lot of useful information for the community as part of the UNS FK commitment to become an excellent and more qualified Faculty of Medicine.
Reporter : Muh. Dawud
Editor : Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator : Wartini