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Inauguration of Student Organization FK UNS 2022: To Win the Competition, Teamwork Must be Built First


Student Organization (Ormawa) is an integrated group as a forum for student self-development to be able to channel talents, interests and knowledge as well as the direction of the student profession in the learning and educational process.

Friday (21/1/2022). The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS), Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K), officially inaugurated the Chair and Trustees of a number of Student Organization (Ormawa) of FK UNS at the Medical Faculty Auditorium. Prior to the inauguration, the Decree of the Dean of FK UNS Number: 02/UN27.06/HK.04/2022 was read regarding the Dismissal and Appointment of FK UNS Student Organizations by the Sub-coordinator of the Academic Sub-coordinator of FK, Sutiman, S.IP.

This inauguration was attended by all leaders in the UNS Medical Faculty and representatives of the Chairperson and Trustees of student organizations. This inauguration event was held online and offline.

In his remarks, the Dean of FK UNS said:

Ormawa is a vehicle and a means for students to be able to develop insight, improve intellectual abilities, improve the integrity of our character in dealing with several problems, both problems in the campus environment, society, nation and state.

All Ormawa activities must obtain prior permission from their respective supervisors or supervisors and the faculty leaders are notified.

To the previous Ormawa administrators, I thank those who have worked, studied, and provided input to faculty leaders and the UNS campus environment. The knowledge you have gained in doing activities in this organization will be a capital for experience in the real world after graduation.

To the new management as the successor of the new Ormawa who were appointed today, I wish you a happy work, happy learning, and can be useful for all of us.
Reports from the old management are good and of course to the new management so that it can be even better. Activities that have not been achieved by the previous management in order to be achieved by the new management and achievements that have been achieved must be maintained.

Reports from the old management are good and of course to the new management so that it can be even better. Activities that have not been achieved by the previous management in order to be achieved by the new management and achievements that have been achieved must be maintained.

Good teamwork must be built first to be able to win the competition, either to fellow students or to their respective supervisors. PUBLIC RELATION OF FK UNS.


Reporter  : Ari Kusbiyanto
Editor       : Muh. Dawud