Dean of FK UNS: "In 2022, the entire UNS Academic Community must be more creative and more innovative"
(3/1/2022) In his remarks by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS), Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) at the morning ceremony for the UNS employees:
"This UNS employee morning ceremony is the first in 2022. We have just passed 2021, a year full of memories filled with joys and sorrows, especially due to the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic. Next, we will soon welcome 2022 which will certainly be full of hopes and challenges. After the end of 2021 we can reflect on ourselves, what have we done? do we think it worked? or there are still many shortcomings that we have to fix this year.
If we look at the many awards that have been received by students, lecturers, study programs, or rankings given to universities, of course this is a significant progress and achievement that has been achieved by our beloved UNS, but on the other hand we must also reflect on the task. Together, we are preparing the young generation who have entrusted UNS as a place to study to prepare for their future, either to work for further studies or other activities that have been aspired to.
Parents will send their children to college to study. In general, they have the hope of graduating quickly and working quickly. Therefore, a study program that has the character of graduating quickly and working quickly will become a favorite study program that is most sought after. We have actually paid great attention to this issue, namely the 1st main performance indicator is the top KPI, the earliest assessed by the ministry and the community and in fact we have worked together to make this first KPI achieve the set target.
The world of education and the business world are two elements that cannot be separated because the world of education will produce superior seeds that can improve the quality of companies or agencies in the world of work today. World-class companies in recruiting workers are more focused on talent, no longer prioritizing educational background. In a presentation from an international company that was invited by UNS, he said, a student to be successful in getting a job is equipped with: 10% formal learning, 20% learning from others, and 70% learning by doing. From these data, 70% will be determined by the talents of the students. We as educators must be able to identify the talents of students to be directed to activities that match their talents. Basically, all students have talent, there are no students who don't have talent, let alone UNS students.
In addition, we as educators must be creative in providing them with appropriate learning methods, one of which is the student center learning concept, in which students are given more responsibility for finding learning materials and lecturers as mentors will process the material obtained by these students. The function of the lecturer is to filter the information obtained by students, one of which does not conflict with our national insight because UNS is a Pancasila Fort campus
Another way is the Case Based Learning or Case method, which is a method that uses cases from the real world. Students are placed as subjects as decision makers, with this method teaching students not only to understand the material being taught but also to think and be creative, so that it will bring the atmosphere closer to the real world, the world of practice, the world of work or the world of research.
I am sure that the entire UNS academic community has understood that they have thought, designed, or even implemented this concept long ago. This actually also happened to other universities, they also prepared their students with various strategies and methods to be ready to welcome and fill the future of their students. Therefore, in 2022, the entire UNS academic community must be more creative, more innovative so that in preparing their students better to be able to compete to fill and win their future brilliantly. PUBLIC RELATION OF FK UNS.
Reporter : Ari Kusbiyanto
Editor : Muh. Abu Dawud
Translator : Wartini