Workshop on Official Letter Management within Education Staffs in FK UNS
FK UNS – Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) held a workshop of Official Letters Management for education staff which took place at Hotel Solia Jl. Yosodipuro Timuran Surakarta, Wednesday (17/11/2021). Starting at 08.00 WIB until 12.00 WIB. The number of participants who attended was 80 people.
This workshop was opened by the remarks from the Vice Dean of Human Resources, Finance and Logistics of FK UNS, Dr. Diah Kurnia Mirawati, dr., Sp.S(K) in her speech stated that: "In the office, education staffs always handle some letters or correspondence, within this workshop it is hoped that the education staff of FK UNS can write letters well, politely, and follow the rules and regulations."
The presentation of the material was delivered by the Coordinator of the Administrative Section of the FK, Usman Sudarmaji, S.E., M.Acc., as well as the moderator of this event. The workshop material covered aspects of the Indonesian language in the official document, or the Indonesian language that was used in official letter and also how to arrange a good correspondence, such as how to write the formal content of a formal letter, or when to use the right form of reference, use standard, straightforward, clear language, and can convey or express clear aims and objectives. The official document system was the arrangement of the type, format, preparation, security, validation, distribution, and media used in official communication. Guidelines for the implementation of the UNS Service Manuscripts are prepared to create a reference in compiling, managing, and controlling official texts as a form of official and written communication and must be implemented in every work unit within the Universitas Sebelas Maret. In addition to the Indonesian aspect, there are also differences between official letters and official notes.
With the workshop of this official document, it is hoped that the education staff will understand and understand how to properly and correctly compose official paperwork.
Public Relation of FK UNS: Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator: Wartini