AMT FK UNS: Together We Achieve “Work For Happiness”
AMT or Achievement Motivation Training is a training program held with the aim of self-development, especially in increasing the achievement motivation of the participants. Another definition of AMT is training that is held to provide a basic foundation in creating motivation to be more accomplished.
The idea of Achievement Motivation Training (MT) was first established by McClelland in 1960. The idea was later developed as a form of developing achievement motivation. This program is a form of education and training which is essentially to provide awareness to a person or individual in order to know the potential that exists in him and motivate the individual to excel as much as possible.
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) held an Achievement Motivation Training (AMT) event with the theme "Work For Happiness" which was attended by 150 people consisting of educators, education staff, and security personnel, held on Saturday-Sunday, the date November 13-14, 2021 at Griya Persada Hotel Bandungan Semarang.
This activity was opened directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine UNS: Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) accompanied by the Vice Dean of Academics, Research, and Student Affairs: Paramasari Dirgahayu, dr., Ph.D., Vice Dean of Human Resources, Finance and Logistics: Dr. Diah Kurnia Mirawati, dr., Sp.S(K), and Vice Dean of Planning, Business Cooperation and Information: Dr. Selfi Handayani, dr., M.Kes. This event was hosted by Usman Sudarmaji, S.E.,M.Acc., Coordinator of the Administration of Medical Faculty as Moderator.
In his remarks the Dean of FK UNS said: “The meaning of the theme Work For Happiness is from us to us and by us, meaning that the cooperation between the components of the Faculty of Medicine can work well. It is hoped that after attending this AMT training, all participants will be able to further improve their performance.”
For one day and one night the Faculty of Medicine UNS had fun with all educators and education staff. The event, entitled AMT (Achievement Motivation Training) and Oubond/fungame, was held at Hotel Griya Persada, located in Bandungan Semarang. The event starts on November 13 (Saturday) afternoon until November 14, 2021 (Sunday) afternoon. This event was held to motivate performance and foster togetherness of educators and education staff in the UNS Medical Faculty.
A series of events were carried out, namely motivation and workshops by the Dean of FK UNS and Fun Games by the trainers followed by all AMT participants creating happy laughter, continued the next morning driving a jeep tracking to the mountains of Bandungan Semarang while joking cheerfully and taking pictures while looking at the outdoors.
Public Relation: Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator: Wartini