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FK-RS UNS Lecturers: Covid-19 Vaccination Education in Wonorejo Karanganyar


Last Sunday (31/10/2021) the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) lecturers team who served at the UNS Hospital held a Community Service activity with the theme ‘Covid-19 Vaccination Education for the Community in the Context of Overcoming the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Griya Asri Wonorejo Community Association (GAW)) Karanganyar’. The material about vaccination was delivered directly by dr. Norma Mukti Bimacahya, dr. Afrizal Tri Heryadi, dr. Satria Wardana and attended by residents (GAW) Karanganyar.

This activity was held to educate and share together about COVID-19 Vaccination. The educational material contains an overview of vaccinations and their functions, aspects of the safety and legality of vaccinations as well as an explanation of the COVID-19 vaccination program for the general public.

Apart from direct exposure, education in the form of leaflets was also distributed by the lecturer team so that the community members were equipped to participate in disseminating information about the COVID 19 vaccination.

In this activity, the community members were quite enthusiastic to ask questions regarding the latest issues regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. It is hoped that with this service activity, the public will understand more about the importance of COVID 19 vaccination and can choose which information is correct and which information is incorrect or hoax and can actively participate in the success of the COVID 19 vaccination program for the general public.


Public Relation of FK UNS: Ari Kusbiyanto

Translator: Wartini