Group B4 KKN FK UNS: Educating Vaccination Participants through SKIPI DONAT
The COVID-19 vaccination is a government policy program around the world, including Indonesia, in order to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic that is still engulfing us. Therefore, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) was collaborating with Korem 074/Warastratama to hold a COVID-19 vaccination that was located in FK UNS.
Various kinds of information about the COVID-19 vaccine can be accessed easily. However, the rapid development of the flow of information has resulted in the circulation of hoaxes related to the COVID-19 vaccine in the community. This is the background for the B4 Thematic Community Service Program (KKN) group, FK UNS, that consisted of Muhammad Rasyid Ridho, Nada Syifa Al Biruni, Nur Khofifah Aprilia, Raden Roro Alifiandri Rahmantya Putri, Renasheva Alifia Nugraha, Reza Pahlevi Prastawa, Roisya Nur Farhania, Safira Hasna Rosyida, Salsabila Nur Rahmah Ali, and Sandya Naufal Budiyanto to hold an activity entitled SKIPI DONAT: a Talk Show in KIPI or Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) about Diving Through Vaccine Side Effects Hoax vs Fact in Social Media.
Through the guidance of Heni Hastuti, dr., MPH, on Wednesday (11/8/2021), the group targeted 80 COVID-19 vaccination participants who were in the KIPI (Post Immunization Follow-up) observation room of FK UNS.
"SKIPI DONAT is a talk show activity in the KIPI observation room, the goal is to fill the empty 30 minutes with light talk shows that can educate the public about the myths and facts of the COVID-19 vaccine," said Group B4 Chair Muhammad Rasyid Ridho.
SKIPI DONAT discussed some of the myths and facts circulating in Indonesia regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, such as the myth that the COVID-19 vaccine contains a microchip, the myth that the COVID-19 vaccine made people infected COVID-19, the fact that nausea, fever, and muscle aches could be felt after the COVID-19 vaccination, and there were still many myths and facts about other COVID-19 vaccines.
"This activity is one of our forms of service to the community in general and the participants of the FK UNS COVID-19 vaccination specifically to enforce hoaxes that are still spreading in the community. In this project there was also a pre-test and post-test to test participants' understanding." said one member of the B4 group, Safira Hasna Rosyida.
The SKIPI DONAT project, was not just a talk show, however, there are also activities on social media, in the form of quizzes and challenges on Instagram @vaksinasifkuns.
"With the SKIPI DONAT, I hope that vaccine participants can be educated and will provide correct information to other surrounding communities, so that no one is afraid and hesitant to take part in the COVID-19 vaccination," added the Head of Group B4, Muhammad Rasyid Ridho.
The video of the SKIPI DONAT activity can be accessed at the following link:
Public Relation of FK UNS: Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator: Wartini