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DWP FK UNS Distributes Children Education Fund through GOTA


Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) UNS held an activity called the Foster Parents Movement (GOTA). This activity which is routinely held once a year is in the form of tuition assistance given to the sons and daughters of employees in the UNS environment.

The head of the DWP of Faculty of Medicine (FK) UNS, Nining Himawati Reviono, S.E, after receiving GOTA aid at the FK UNS, said that the target of GOTA was aimed at the children of honorary employees or Employee with grade I and II in UNS.

It was further explained that this year, DWP UNS distributed education fund of Rp. 70.900.000,- which was given to 192 employees at UNS with amounts ranging from Rp. 300.000,- thousand to Rp. 500.000,- thousand rupiah.

“Especially for DWP FK UNS, we provide 20 packages of education fund to the children of employees within the Faculty of Medicine, the GOTA education fund is Rp. 30.000,- and a quota subsidy of Rp. 200.000,- so that the total amount of the social fund that was received by the beneficiary is Rp. 500.000,-”,  explained Nining Reviono.

The activity, which was originally going to be held in August, had to be postponed one month due to the implementation of the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) policy in the Surakarta City area, so it could only be implemented this September.

One of the recipients of this social fund, Moch Arif Andrianto, thanked DWP UNS for the social fund provided by the DWP.

"On behalf of all the employess who received assistance from DWP UNS, I would like to thank profusely for the assistance provided, hopefully it will be a blessing for DWP UNS and be a benefit for our children in pursuing their education," said Andrianto.


Public Relation of FK UNS: Muh. Abu Dawud
Translator: Wartini