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FK UNS Scientific Students Organization Holds National Competition MedsMotion 2021


Kastrat de Geneeskunde is a Scientific Students Organization (UKM) in the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) which was established in 2012. The Scientific UKM, which has 7 divisions, regularly holds scientific competitions and annual symposiums named Medical Sebelas March Scientific Competition (MedsMotion).

The Head of MedsMotion 2021, Hikam Yanwar Pradana said this year's MedsMotion took the theme of Nutrition Disease. This activity aimed to create a scientific climate both at the Faculty of Medicine, UNS and the Faculty of Medicine throughout Indonesia. This activity was also a means of updating the latest knowledge about nutrition through a symposium.

This national event started on September 10, 2021 and will end on September 19, 2021, various universities both public and private in Indonesia participated in this event. There were 27 teams that qualified for the final of the scientific competition.

MedsMotion 2021 supervisor, Amelia Tjandra Irawan, dr., M.Kes., Sp.Rad(K) hoped that by raising the theme about nutrition, participants who took part in a series of events ranging from scientific works, public posters and others could see the importance of nutrition in resilience one's life from now to the future.

Dr. Setyo Sri Rahardjo, dr., M.Kes as the supervisor of Kastrat de Geneeskunde in his speech said that Kastrat de Geneeskunde has often held large events both regionally and nationally. An event like this would be very useful because it trained students in the field of reasoning through literature review competitions, scientific essays, public posters and educational videos. In addition, events like this would train students' soft skills such as sportsmanship and honesty.


Public Relation of FK UNS: Muh. Abu Dawud
Translator: Wartini