Webinar of Alumni Association Medical Science Doctoral Program (S3) Faculty of Medicine UNS
The Alumni Family Association of the Medical Sciences Study Program (S3), Faculty of Medicine (FK), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), on Saturday (11/9/2021) held a Covid-19 Webinar, A to Z. The event, which was held via online, was attended by about 180 participants consisting of students Doctoral Program in Medical Sciences, PSIK alumni (S3) FK UNS and general participants.
The Head of the Medical Sciences Study Program (S3), Faculty of Medicine, UNS, Prof. Dr. Soetrisno, dr., Sp.O.G(K) in his speech said that the pandemic had not ended and did not know when it would end, so the topic about Covid-19 is still relevant and very good to discuss as well as a form of scientific contribution from PSIK FK UNS alumni.
The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K), who had the opportunity to open the event, really appreciated this webinar. According to him, activities like this needed to continue so that students who were currently studying at the Medical Sciences Doctoral Program (S3), Faculty of Medicine, UNS can gain good knowledge and can establish good communication with lecturers or study program supporters.
Later, Prof. Reviono said if the Medical Sciences Study Program (S3) FK UNS is one of five doctoral study programs in Indonesia that is accredited A, so it is necessary to maintain the quality and quality of study programs, one of which is by holding webinar events like this.
This event was divided into two sessions, with the first session presenting Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, dr., Sp.PD-KGH., FINASIM, who presented the material on 'Physical Activity and Stress Control during the COVID-19 Pandemic' and Dr. Harsini, dr., Sp.P(K) FISR., MARS who brought the material 'Covid-19 Procedures'. In this first session moderated by Dr. H. Trisulo Wasyanto, dr., Sp.JP(K) FIHA., FAPSC., FasCC.
In the second session featuring Dr. Muhammad Adrianes Bachnas, dr., Sp.OG(K) FM who brought the material 'The Impact of Covid-19 on Pregnancy and Fetus' and Brigitte Rina Aninda Sidharta, dr., Sp.PK who brought the material 'The Role of Laboratory Examination in Covid-19 '. The second session moderated by Dr. Heru Priyanto, dr., Sp.OG(K) Onk ended with a discussion and Q&A with the participants.
Public Relation of FK UNS: Muh. Abu Dawud
Translator: Wartini