Faculty of Medicine UNS Welcomes the 76th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia
FK UNS (05/08/2021) - The Indonesian flag and banners ahead of the Republic of Indonesia's Anniversary decorated various places. Especially when approaching August 17th, public, agencies, offices, schools, campuses, places of worship, terminals, and others were putting up anniversary decorations along the road.
The Ministry of State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia issued a Circular Letter Number B - 462 / M/S/TU.00.04/06/2021, which contains the celebration of the 76th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia. In the circular it is written, starting on August 1, 2021, the public is asked to fly the Indonesian Flag simultaneously in their respective neighborhoods, until August 31, 2021
It seems that the displaying of the Indonesian flag and banners in August is not only meant to celebrate the 76th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, but also has a special meaning that deserves to be pondered. The meaning of installing the flag and banners is one of the efforts as a form to arouse a sense of love for the Indonesian homeland. The installation of the red and white flag and the Augustan banner is also intended to inspire and instill a sense of nationalism towards the Republic of Indonesia, which has been independent for 76 years.
As a form of love for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) coinciding with the 76th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, even though during the current pandemic the campus is empty of students, lecturers, and employees, the Faculty of Medicine of Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) continues to celebrate the festivities of welcoming the Independence Day of the republic of Indonesia by putting up a flag in the campus yard and along the road of FK UNS.
Public Relation of FK UNS: Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator: Wartini