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Announcement of Finalist Oral Presentation International Essay Competition FK UNS: Covid-19 Reflection and Future Ideas


Dear participants,

Enclosed is the list of finalists for oral presentation on stage 2 of International Esssay of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sebelas maret (FK UNS): Covid-19 Reflection and Future Ideas:

We ensured blind review for your essays by sending each essay anonymously (stripped from author name and institution) to the reviewers. Finalists are asked to deliver oral presentation via Zoom meeting on May 18th 2021, 9 AM (GMT+7). The order of the presentation will be randomly generated by the committee and will be shared immediately. For further information, please refer to the guidelines for oral presentation. For those in teams, please delegate 1 person to deliver the oral presentation. Guidelines for oral presentations can be downloaded at this link:

Congratulations for the finalists for oral presentation. For other participants, we are sorry to inform you that you are unable to join stage 2 and we wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavor.  


Chief of committee,

Dr. Revi Gama Hatta Novika, SST., M.Kes




(Uploaded by: Tini, RENSI FK)