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FK UNS: Workshop on Strengthening the Capability of Education Staffs in Supporting the HITIHE E-Learning Project


Wednesday (14/4/2021) Health Information and Technology for Improved Health Education in South-East Asia (HITIHE) Project, Medical Faculty of Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) held a Workshop on Strengthening the Capacity of Education Personnel in Supporting E-Learning. This workshop activity took place was held online via the Zoom Meeting platform and offline in the FK UNS auditorium. In this workshop, there were also several members of the HITIHE team from the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKKMK UGM), namely Dr. dr. Ida Safitri, Sp.A (K) .; dr. Doni Widyandana, Sp.M (K)., MHPE., Ph.D .; Mrs. Ratih Oktri Nanda, SKM., MPH .; and Mrs. Rini Handayani, S.E. Meanwhile, Mr. Tri Hardian Satiawardana, S.T., a member of the HITIHE team from the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the UNS Library was also present online.

Some of the participants attended the workshop via offline at the Auditorium of FK UNS

Presentation of material workshop by Vitri Widyaningsih, dr., M.S., Ph.D

The workshop core agenda started at 13.30 (Western Indonesia Time) moderated by Bulan Kakanita Hermasari, dr., MMedEd. The first speaker was Riah Wiratningsih, S.S., M.Si. from UPT Sebelas Maret University Library. In this first session, Mrs. Riah explained several things starting from how to access e-journals, how to understand predator journals and prevent publication in predator journals, and how to use Turnitin in preventing plagiarism. The second session was followed by a presentation by Vitri Widyaningsih, dr., M.S., Ph.D. that is present online. In this session, he explained about the ranking of journals that can support the accreditation of both national and international journals and the use of Mendeley as citation software.

The event then continued with an interactive question and answer session with the two speakers. Participants who joined both online and offline were very enthusiastic about asking questions and even suggested further training to understand terminology and language in publications and literature searches as well as direct simulations of using Turnitin and accessing e-resources. The event was closed around 15.00 (Western Indonesia Time) with a group photo session led by dr. Muhammad Hafizhan and closing statements from the two speakers.


Public Relations FK UNS: Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator: Wartini