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Elementary School Bina Anak Sholeh Klaten Visits FK UNS via Virtual


Monday (12/4/2021), Medical Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) represented by dr. Stefanus Erdana Putra and dr. Victoria Husadani Permata Sari as speakers in the PKL (Field Work Practice) activities for Class 4, 5, and 6 of Elementary School Islam Terpadu (IT) BIAS (Bina Anak Sholeh) Klaten virtual visitation. This activity was held as part of the collaboration of Public Relations FK UNS, Medicine Study Program of FK UNS, and the SD IT BIAS Klaten School Committee which is located on Jalan Srigading Number 2A Tegalyoso, Klaten.

The activity which took place from 08.00-10.30 WIB was carried out online using the Zoom Meeting platform. In this activity, dr. Erdana explained to the students the aspects of the honorable medical profession and is always ready to help people at any time on various occasions. Students are also invited to develop a caring attitude towards others, for example when a friend or closest relative has a fever. The students were taught how to measure body temperature using a thermometer and also the first action taken if a neighbor or closest relative had a fever, namely by applying a compress. The students also immediately practiced how to compress using the tools and materials that they had prepared previously in their respective homes. The students followed the presentation with great enthusiasm, it can be seen from the many questions asked in response to the material presented. This session was closed with a quiz with a prize of 6 questions of FK UNS merchandise which were answered enthusiastically by the students.

dr. Victoria Husadani Permata Sari explained about the blood donation activity

Meanwhile, dr. Victoria explains and practices blood donation as part of humanitarian efforts that can help others in need. In his presentation, dr. Victoria shows firsthand how to identify and detect suitable donors to participate in blood donation activities. On this occasion, it was also explained how the examination process and how to detect blood type. In addition, in this Virtual PKL activity, it was also explained and demonstrated how to carry out intramuscular injections and carry out good clinical practice activities when entering the laboratory.


Public Relation of FK UNS: Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator: Wartini