Delayed Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, FK UNS Students Class of 2020 Conduct Offline Campus Introduction in April 2021
The Covid-19 pandemic that never ends, including in Indonesia, has forced students to attend lectures from their respective homes. Online lectures are an option from a number of alternatives (options) so that education can continue to be implemented.
Since the Indonesian government announced the first positive case of Covid-19 in Indonesia on March 3, 2020, since then the spread of corona cases in Indonesia has accelerated. One area that is affected is the world of education. Since March 15, 2020, lectures at various campuses in Indonesia have been transferred to online lectures using various existing platforms.
The Corona virus is able to make big changes in the world, one of which is in the field of education. Distance Learning (PJJ) and online lectures (e-learning) are options used in the world of education.
All parties: educators, students, and education personnel are "forced" to process together in an effort to transition regular lectures to online courses. This condition causes the campus to improve itself in preparing online lectures with all its limitations. Various platforms are used to facilitate online lectures. Teaching materials and exams are transformed into digital form, the guidance process turns into virtual meetings.
The Covid-19 pandemic has not only accelerated the use of technology, but also changed new behaviors and learning styles. Every field of science seeks to fit in and take a role in the changes that occur. For some students, the implementation of online lectures is in fact not very effective in practice. Some of them (students) actually admit that they miss the atmosphere of learning directly on campus.
Responding to several wishes and complaints from the public about offline lectures, the government issued a policy with the Circular of the Director General of Higher Education Number 6 of 2020 concerning Implementation of Learning in the Even Semester of the Academic Year 2020/2021 and responding to the development of the situation and conditions of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the University Sebelas Maret issued a Rector's Circular Number 18 / UN27 / PK.01 / 2021) concerning face-to-face college trials for students of the class of 2020/2021 for the Sebelas Maret University Bachelor and Diploma Program.
This face-to-face lecture trial is conducted with the following procedure: 1. Implement standard operating procedures for the Covid-19 Health Protocol; 2. The Dean of the Faculty / Dean of the Vocational School coordinates and arranges the implementation of face-to-face lecture trials which include: Scheduling class changes, lecturers, and the distribution of lecture participants in each faculty; 3. Disinfect the room and learning equipment / practicum before and after use, limiting the use of space to a maximum of 30% (thirty percent) of the room capacity; 4. The faculty is obliged to assign staff to monitor the implementation of the Covid-19 health protocol; 5. Academics of UNS who carry out campus activities must: employee must be in a healthy condition; students must obtain approval from their parents or guardians and bring the letter of approval when participating in face-to-face lecture trials; students must show the valid results of the rapid test / swab test / antigen / negative Genose test and must have their body temperature checked when they enter the UNS environment; - Students who are not willing to take face-to-face lecture trials can take part online and the implementation will be arranged in their respective study programs; Schedule of Face-to-Face Lecture trials: First week for FH-Fkor-FK, Second week for FP-FISIP-FIB, Third Week for FEB-FMIPA-FKIP, Fourth week for FT-FSRD-FKIP.
Following up on the UNS Chancellor's Circular regarding face-to-face student trials for the 2020/2021 UNS undergraduate and diploma programs, the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) took several steps in accordance with the Chancellor's circular with the topic 'Introduction to campus in preparation for offline learning FK UNS students batch 2020'. The preparations made by FK UNS were creating a team of admissions for the 2020 batch of students who would meet face to face offline on campus (the team consisted of the Dean, Head of Study Program, and BEM FK UNS / Association) and socialization to parents of students.
Quoted in the speech of the Dean of FK UNS (online), Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P (K) said:
"Distance learning is not effective, because of the pandemic, it is sudden that the teaching staff (lecturers) and students are not ready but they are forced to continue to carry out the learning process by means of online lectures (e-learning), especially regarding the mastery of competencies that are less effective and efficient.
Reviewed from the mental (psychological) element, this new student of class of 2020 who is now in the second semester who has the dream of entering UNS to be able to study but has never entered face-to-face lectures at this campus feels different. I appreciate if there will be offline learning, FK UNS does not lack the experience to learn offline, because it has been done by the Young Doctor (DM), starting from a pandemic, until now we have never stopped studying offline at the UNS teaching hospital Dr. Moerwardi.
Since January 2021, the Ministry of Education and Culture has targeted to do offline learning, then the Ministry of Education and Culture delegates the authority to each university to carry out offline learning. The Chancellor of UNS gave directions to his staff to immediately start studying offline. So, the current stage for the introduction of the campus first for two days later will be evaluated for the next offline lecture, and of course FK UNS works carefully and always implements health protocols."
Public Relation of FK UNS: Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator: Wartini