Workshop on Strengthening the Quality Assurance System of the Faculties and Study Programs of FK UNS
The National Education System Law (Sisdiknas) Number 20 of 2003, article 50 paragraph (6) concerning the autonomy of higher education, mandates that universities must carry out internal supervision of the higher education they administer. These provisions are further elaborated in Government Regulation Number 44 of 2015 concerning National Higher Education Standards (SN-Dikti) which requires a horizontal supervisory structure in each education unit by implementing an education quality assurance system. The education quality assurance system aims to make education units meet or exceed the National Higher Education Standards (SN-Dikti). The quality assurance system includes the process of implementing, implementing, evaluating, controlling, and improving higher education quality standards consistently and continuously so that both internal and external stakeholders get satisfaction.
In general, it can be argued that what is meant by quality assurance is the consistent and continuous implementation, implementation, control, evaluation and improvement of higher education quality standards (continuous improvement / kaizen), so that stakeholders, both internal and external, get satisfaction. A university is declared qualified if: (1) the university is able to determine and realize its vision; (2) universities are able to translate their vision into a number of standards and derivative standards; (3) tertiary institutions are able to implement, control, and develop a number of standards and derivative standards to meet the needs of stakeholders.
In order for quality education at the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS), FK UNS must establish, implement, evaluate the implementation, control, and improve education quality standards in a system called the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI), to ensure the quality of higher education. FK UNS will always improve the quality continuously (Continuous Quality Improvement), so that quality becomes a culture in every activity and process carried out by all FK UNS academicians. One aspect is the improvement of quality in the field of education, which must be a trigger for enthusiasm in all forms of academic activities at FK UNS. To be able to be the best and have a quality culture, FK UNS must improve governance management in the academic and non-academic fields, especially in the fields of education and learning, research, community service and management of governance.
(Thursday, 25/3/2021) FK UNS held a Workshop on the Strengthening of the Quality Assurance System for the Faculties and Study Programs of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sebelas Maret via online. This event was attended by the Dean of FK UNS, Deputy Dean of Academic-Research-and Student Affairs, Deputy Dean of Human Resources-Finance- and Logistics, the Quality Assurance Unit Team (UPM), Chair of the Study Program Quality Control Group, SPMI Study Program Coordinator, SPME Study Program Coordinator, Monev Coordinator and Study Program Quality Audit, as well as other participants.
Dr. Wonny Ahmad Ridwan, M.M
Chairman of the Division of Research and Human Resource Development P2SDM LPPM IPB
Dr. Maftuchah Rochmanti, dr., M.Kes
Chairman of SPM FK UNAIR
The event started at 13.00 (Western Indonesian Time) and was opened by the Chairperson of UPM FK UNS Vitri Widyaningsih, dr., M.S, Ph.D and continued with remarks from the Dean of FK UNS Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P (K). This workshop program presented two speakers: the first gave material, namely: Head of the Division of Human Resources Studies and Development of P2SDM LPPM IPB Dr. Wonny Ahmad Ridwan, M.M with the material given "Development of Quality Culture with Self Evaluation" and the second speaker: Dr. Maftuchah Rochmanti, dr., M.Kes, Head of SPM FK UNAIR, the material given ‘Implementation of SPMI in health / medical study programs’. After the two speakers gave the material, it was continued with a ‘Question and Answer’ session. At 15.10 (Western Indonesian Time) the event was closed by Paramasari Dirgahayu, dr., Ph.D, Deputy Dean of Academic, Research, and Student Affairs FK UNS.
HUMAS FK UNS: Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator: Wartini