FK UNS Medical Profession Stage Education: "Young doctors must be humble"
FK UNS (8/3/2021) - Young Doctor Education (DM) during the pandemic implemented an on-off system. The On system means when a young doctor enters the hospital and performs Hands On directly to the patient, while the Off system is when young doctors study at home using the online method. The teaching system becomes ineffective and many competencies are lost.
Learning at the doctor's professional stage is a learning process in the form of competency-based clinical practice in teaching hospitals or other health institutions. The professional stage of medical education trains students to have direct contact (hands on) with patients under the guidance of clinical lecturers, to practice the knowledge, skills and attitudes and behaviors that have been learned at the academic stage, in an integrated manner.
Medical learning at this stage must also pay attention to and prioritize patient safety and comfort. The enactment of the 2004 Medical Practice Law, the formation of the Indonesian Medical Council (KKI), and several regulations regarding other health services need to be taken into consideration in the clinical learning practice process. Contact with patients at this stage will involve aspects of medical ethics and medicolegal (medicolegal is an applied science that has two aspects, namely medicine and law). Therefore, clinical learning practices need to be arranged in such a way that medical student clinical learning can run but still pay attention to medicolegal issues, patient safety and comfort.
Vicky Eko Nurcahyo Hariyadi, dr., Sp.THT-KL (K)., M.Sc.
Head of the Medical Profession Study Program, FK UNS
After attending the Young Doctor Appointment and Pre-Education Doctor Profession Stage at the Dr. Moerwardi Teaching Hospital (RSDM), the Head of the FK UNS Medical Professional Study Program, Vicky Eko Nurcahyo Hariyadi, dr., Sp.THT-KL (K)., M.Sc. who also has a hobby on bicycle racing revealed:
"The young doctor who was entrusted to Teaching Dr. Hospital Moerwadi must still adhere to strict health protocols and the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the prevention of Covid 19. This young doctor who was previously in a pre-clinic was then entrusted to this hospital will become a doctor who directly treats patients, so that it is useful or beneficial for Public. In undergoing practice at Dr. Moewardi Hospital (RSDM), young doctors are obliged to be humble, do what is their obligation and carry out the tasks assigned to them in each division."
Public Relations FK UNS: Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator: Wartini