FK UNS: Workshop on the Anthrax Module Content Review of the HITIHE Project
Wednesday (10/3/2021) Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) held a Workshop on the Content Review of the Anthrax Module for the HITIHE Project (Health Information and Technology for Improved Health Education in South-East Asia) via online using the Zoom application platform Meeting. This workshop activity was opened at around 10.00 Western Indonesian Time with an introduction to the HITIHE project delivered by Dr. dr. Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, M.Pd. as the Coordinator for the Development of the HITIHE Anthrax Module and as the Head of the FK UNS Medical Undergraduate Study Program.
The event was continued with a presentation from the two speakers, dr. Dhani Redhono Harioputro, Sp.PD-KPTI., FINASIM. and dr. Arie Kusumawardani, Sp.DV., FINSDV. involved in many studies related to anthrax. In his presentation, Doctor Dhani conveyed several inputs related to module development starting from an explanation of the immunological response to anthrax, complete guidelines for case management, and review of the presented case scenarios. Meanwhile, Doctor Arie emphasized the newness of existing statistical data (up to date) as well as the learning indicators to be achieved from learning using this module.
The event was continued with a discussion for about an hour which resulted in various important inputs such as an interactive quiz development plan, scenario synchronization, data updates, and adding photos of clinical cases related to anthrax. The next step that will be taken is to make the final revision of the module before it is discussed in a joint meeting with the HITIHE Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing (FKKMK) team of Universitas Gadjah Mada. The event was closed with a group photo session at around 12.00 Western Indonesian Time.
Public Relation of FK UNS: Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator: Wartini