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Public Relations, Protocol and Cooperation Workshop of FK UNS


UNS Inn Friday, (5/3/2021). Every university certainly wants to succeed in achieving its goals. This success cannot be achieved only based on the existing abilities of the Higher Education. In addition, there is a need for understanding, acceptance and public participation. What is meant by public is the internal public as well as the external public.

Public Relations is a component in management required by any organization, including universities. Public relations play a role in creating and maintaining the image of a university, so that public acceptance and understanding of higher education is largely determined by public relations work. The definition of protocol based on Law No.9 of 2010 is a series of activities related to regulations in state events or official events which include Venues, Ceremonial Procedures, and Procedures of Honor as a form of respect for someone according to their position and / or position in the state, government or society. Meanwhile, the definition of higher education cooperation is an agreement between universities in Indonesia and universities, the business world, or other parties, both at the national and international level.

The existence of a public relations unit in a tertiary institution is a functional and operational imperative in an effort to disseminate or to publish about an activity or activity of the university concerned which is aimed both at the inside and outside society in general.

As an effort to reorganize and synergize the duties and functions of public relations within the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS), it is deemed necessary to carry out a Public Relations Workshop, protocols, and cooperation with educational staff, especially in the public relations staff unit of FK UNS. The purpose of this workshop is to increase the productivity and quality of public services.

The activity was held on Friday (5/3/2021), attended by the Dean of FK UNS Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P (K), Deputy Dean of Planning, Business Cooperation and Information Dr. Selfi Handayani, dr., M.Kes., Subdivision of Non Academic Subdivision Nuryanto, S.E., M.M., event moderator R. Prihandjojo Andri Putranto, dr., M.Sc., and 10 Workshop participants from educational staff within the FK UNS. The event was opened by the Deputy Dean for Planning, Business Cooperation and Information and then filled with four speakers in four sessions with the topic of the first session on 'WHO AM I', the second session 'TEAM WORK', the third session 'CREATIVITY', and the fourth last session 'COMMITMENT'.

Dr. Selfi Handayani, dr., M.Kes.
Vice Dean for Planning, Business Cooperation, and Information of FK UNS

Quoted from the speech of the Deputy Dean for Planning, Business Cooperation, and Information FK UNS Dr. Selfi Handayani, dr., M.Kes., she said:

“UNS, which is now a Legal Entity State University (PTNBH), then we all have to change the maindset (Mindset can be interpreted as a collection. thoughts that are formed in accordance with experience with beliefs so that they can influence a person's behavior or way of thinking in determining an attitude, outlook to one's future), what needs to be changed first is that we must be able to generate income or income, secondly, whatever we do support IKU (Main Performance Indicators), and the third is about cooperation that is compatible with IKU and which can generate income or income. This workshop aims to increase insights about public relations and cooperation as well as to overhaul the total mindset that is in us. What must be in us is that we must always increase creations and innovations that can generate income or income.”


Public Relations FK UNS: Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator: Wartini