FK UNS Cares for Flood Disaster in Pekalongan, Central Java
Muhamad Abidin, A.Md,
The Head of the Bandengan Village, North Pekalongan
Hujan deras yang terus mengguyur Kota Pekalongan Tahun ini lebih parah, banjir yang datang berjilid-jilid. “Jilid pertama akhir Januari. Banjir reda, tanggal 4 Februari banjir lagi. Reda lagi. Tanggal 6 banjir lagi," kata lurah Bandengan Muhamad Abidin, A.Md, Kecamatan Pekalongan Utara, saat ditemui di kantor kelurahan Bandengan, Minggu (28/2/2021) masih dalam kondisi banjir. Akibat banjir ini, 22 kelurahan di tiga kecamatan terendam banjir dengan ketinggian mencapai 20 hingga 80 sentimeter.
Dr. Slamet Budiyanto, S.KM., M.Kes
The Head of Pekalongan City Health Office
Head of Pekalongan City Health Office, Dr. Slamet Budiyanto, S.KM., M.Kes when met in the middle of giving a briefing with the medical team and students from the Faculty of Medicine, UNS before moving to the flood location said: "The needs of people affected by floods are always growing, from the Pekalongan health office always asking for help. to provide the best health assistance to the community."
Medical Faculty of Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) cares about floods in Pekalongan. This form of concern was in the form of giving 200 packs of groceries and free health services to communities around Bandengan Village, Pekalongan Utara District. The delegation sent from FK UNS consisted of the Medical Team, Education Personnel, and Students led by the Team Leader: R Prihandjojo Andri Putranto, dr., M.Sc.
Afzan Arslan Djunaid,S.E.
Mayor of Pekalongan
The delivery of aid and the opening of free medical treatment from FK UNS were received and attended by the Mayor of Pekalongan Afzan Arslan Djunaid, S.E. It was stated that: Almost one month the flood inundated the residents 'houses and until the FK UNS free medical treatment took place, the floods still inundated the residents' houses. Hopefully the cooperation and concern of UNS with the city government of Pekalongan can run well to immediately provide additional basic necessities and the construction of public toilets. "
Public Relation of FK UNS : Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator: Wartini