Learning Video Workshop by the Virtual Learning Developer Unit, Faculty of Medicine UNS
The Covid-19 pandemic, which has been spreading in all parts of the world more than a year, has forced the world of education to find ways to online learning can be as interesting as offline / in-class learning. Lecturers are required to be more creative in presenting the material to be delivered so that students are enthusiastic about participating in lectures amidst limitations.
Virtual Learning Development Unit (UPVL) Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) held a Learning Video Workshop which was open to the public and held for two days on 17-18 February 2021.
The first speaker of this event was dr. Warigit Dri Atmoko, Sp.PD., M.Kes. or usually known as dr. Yongki from RSI Sultan Agung Semarang who delivered material ‘Acting in front of the camera’. This session explained how to prepare before and while in front of the camera as well as mastery of the material. There were many interesting things that could be used as new insights from him because of his experience who has often appeared on national television.
The second speaker was dr. Dian Nugroho, M.Med.Ed. from the UPVL Team of the Faculty of Medicine UNS who took the theme ‘Writing Script in the Form of a Storyboard’. This session explained the importance of a storyboard as a foundation or foundation in making a video. In this storyboard, it was explained in detail how and from which direction the actor’s moves, the accompanying audio, and the shooting angles by the camera to the duration in each scene.
The Virtual Learning Development Unit Workshop event would be continued on the second day with the theme ‘Video Development with Low Cost Materials’ which would be presented by Arif Ranu Wicaksono, S.Kom., M.Kom. from the Faculty of Art and Design UNS.
Public Relation of FK UNS: Muh. Abu Dawud
Translator: Wartini