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Faculty of Medicine Holds An Online Workshop on Technical Video Making of Learning Videos and Epi-Smart Application Development


"The resulting cinematographic products can be packaged nicely and attractively"

Predictions regarding when the Corona Covid-19 virus pandemic will end continue to reverberate and still raise many questions in the community. Besides, the existence of several variants of the Covid-19 vaccine show satisfactory final results so that they can form herd immunity or group immunity to fight the Corona virus. Until now, no expert has been able to guarantee that the Covid-19 virus pandemic will completely disappear in Indonesia and the world. In addition, no experts know how long vaccination immunity can last against Covid-19 infection.

In the world of education there is no word ‘waiting’ during this pandemic, the activities of the teaching and learning process must be continued and carried out so that the process of educating the nation does not stop. The responsibility of the teaching staff (lecturers) in the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) is still trying their best to answer the teaching and learning process of students in the midst of the current pandemic. The form of teaching and learning activities (KBM) provided to students besides internships at teaching hospitals is also online learning by lecturers.  In addition, FK UNS also requires teaching staff to be able to provide learning videos.

(Wednesday, February 10, 2021) The HITIHE (Health Information and Technology for Improved Health Education in South-East Asia) Team and the HITIHE Alliance Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret held a Technical Online Workshop on Epi-SMART Learning Video Making and Application Development through the Zoom Meeting platform. This event was attended by the HITIHE Alliance Team, the Medical Education Unit, the KBK Manager, the Skills Lab Manager, and the Universitas Sebelas Maret Medical Faculty Course Team.

This event was opened at 12.30 Western Indonesian Time with a speech from the Head of the Medical Education Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Dr. dr. Veronika Ika Budiastuti, M.Pd. In his speech, he conveyed the importance of this event so that later the resulting cinematographic products can be packaged nicely and attractively. The event was continued with a presentation on the output of the previous workshop and a timeline of activities from the FK UNS HITIHE Project which was delivered by Dr. Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, dr., M.Pd..

The event was then closed at 14.00 Western Indonesian Time with conclusions and directions by the Head of the FK UNS HITIHE Research Project, Prof. dr. Ari Natalia Probandari, MPH., Ph.D. related to project sustainability to produce output in the form of two learning videos (Skills Lab and KBK), the Epi-SMART application, and also the anthrax module. Overall, the participants were quite satisfied with the organization of this event which can be seen from the comments in the post-workshop input column which were recorded using Google form.


Public Relation of FK UNS: Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator: Wartini