Public Relations of FK UNS Increases Creativity and Innovation Towards the Excellence of UNS PTN BH
"Establish and maintain a good reputation with the public"
Public Relations (Public Relations) is a component in management required by every organization, including universities. The presence of Public Relations is one of the most positive elements in determining the sustainability of a university. PR includes all forms of communication that are held between the college and anyone (private / community) with an interest. In public relations literature, Public Relations is defined as "all efforts that are carried out in a planned and continuous manner in order to create and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organization and all its audiences.
This definition illustrates that PR activities have a very strategic role for an organization, in this case universities. Public relations play a role in creating and maintaining the image of a university, so that public acceptance and understanding of higher education is largely determined by the performance of PR. The public relations profession is also required to be able to understand the aspirations and desires of the community, because the existence of a university is very much determined by the participation of the community.
The public can find out the existence of a college with all its resources through Public Relations. In accordance with the definition, Public Relations activities are intended to create a better understanding, attitude and response from the community in a comprehensive manner. Public relation as the manager of information and public communication is demanded to be creative. This means that PR must have the ability to create new things. Whereas being innovative means utilizing the ability and expertise to produce new works. Nowadays, information spreads so quickly in the community, especially through social media. If not becoming creative and innovative, then Public Relations will be abandoned by the community. This is because the public will prefer information that develops on social media or other digital media, which sometimes has no clear source and truth.
Currently, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) has the status of a Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH). This is based on Presidential Regulation No. 56/2020 concerning PTN-BH UNS on October 6, 2020. Previously, UNS was managed by PTN Public Service Agency (BLU). UNS is the 12th state university in Indonesia with the status of PTN BH, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum., Rector of UNS, who is also the Chairman of the Chancellor Council of Indonesian State Universities (MRPTNI) revealed that in Indonesia there are 122 PTNs. Of that number, there are 77 PTN with Satker status, 33 PTN BLU, and 12 PTN BH. Meanwhile, UNS became the 12th PTN BH. According to Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum., For the status of state universities (PTN) in Indonesia are:
1) PTN-BH (Legal Entity State Higher Education) is the highest level because it has full autonomy in managing finances and resources. Including lecturers and education staff. This type of PTN operates similarly to a state-owned company. 2) PTN-BLU (Public Service Agency) is an institution with the second level in terms of autonomy. The management of this institution is similar to a state-owned hospital. Meanwhile, all non-tax revenues are managed autonomously and are reported to the state. 3) PTN-Satker is PTN as a ministry work unit. All income, including student tuition fees, must be entered into a state account (Ministry of Finance) before being used.
With the change of UNS from PTN-BLU (Public Service Agency) to PTN-BH (Legal Entity State University), all aspects within UNS, for example its governance, organization, and structure will adjust to this change. All Faculties / Institutions / Units also feel the changes and new regulations, that is adjusting the PTN-BH management rules. The key performance indicator or also called IKU is a measure or performance indicator of an agency, especially in achieving certain goals and objectives. Currently, Public Relations of Medical Faculty Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) under the coordination of the Vice Dean for Planning, Business Cooperation and Information, Dr. Selfi Handayani, dr., M.Kes., worked as a team that was always updated and committed to increase creativity and innovation towards excellence in the UNS PTN BH.
Public Relation of FK UNS: Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator: Wartini