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Medical Study Program FK UNS Collaborates with Overseas Researchers Holds International Continuing Medical Education Series (INCOMES) Webinar


International Continuing Medical Education Series (INCOMES) is an international webinar event organized by the Medical Study Program of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) by inviting five speakers from abroad. This event was divided into two sessions, the first session was held on Monday (30/11/2020), and the second session was held on Tuesday (8/12/2020).

Tema INCOMES Sesi 1: Welcoming Disruptive Technology Era: Medical and Health Education 4.0.

The first session of INCOMES carried the theme Welcoming Disruptive Technology Era: Medical and Health Education 4.0. with participants who were lecturers of FK UNS, young doctors, students, and participants from outside UNS. The moderator for this first session was Vitri Widyaningsih, MD, MS., Ph.D. Two invited international speakers were Maria Zalfo, MD., Ph.D, from the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Belgium and Jaap Koot, MD-IHTM MBA, from the University Medical Center in Groningen, Netherlands. The INCOMES # 1 event was opened by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, FK UNS, Paramasari Dirgahayu, dr., Ph.D. who welcomed this event and said that this event would be very useful for the participants.

The first speaker of INCOMES # 1, Maria Zalfo, MD., Ph.D, delivered a material entitled “Online learning in COVID times: a real gamechanger? Reflections from the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp ”. The second speaker, Jaap Koot, MD-IHTM MBA delivered material entitled "Science in Medical Education. Experience from UMCG in the Netherlands ”.

Furthermore, the second session of INCOMES with the title Interprofessional Education (IPE) Implementation During Pandemic: Lesson Learned from Europe (Switzerland), East Mediterranean (Qatar) and East Asia (Japan) invited three speakers, namely: Prof. Marion Huber, Zurich University's Deputy Director of IPE and Director of IPE Research, Daniel Richard Kambey, dr., MMedEd, AFAMEE APIPECNet, Representative of, and Alla El-Awaisi, M.Pharm, MRPharmS, MSc, Qatar University. The moderator at INCOMES # 2 was Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, MD, MPH, PhD. This event was opened by the Vice Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs, FK UNS, Dr. Selfi Handayani, dr., M.Kes.

INCOMES #2 invited 3 speakers from: Switzerland (photo: right, below), Qatar (photo: left, below) dan Jepang (photo: right, above)

"In this pandemic era, interprofessional education has become a very important element in medical education, this moment encourages FK UNS to develop and apply IPE in all aspects of learning. Hopefully we can benefit from the new scientific research from this webinar, "said Dr. Selfi Handayani, dr., M.Kes in her opening remarks on the INCOMES # 2 webinar.

In the second session of the INCOMES webinar, the three speakers delivered their experiences about implementing IPE in medical education during the pandemic period from three different perspectives. Prof. Marion Huber delivered material from Europe perspective especially Switzerland, Alla El-Awaisi, M.Pharm, MRPharmS, MSc from East Mediterranean perspective especially Qatar and Daniel Richard Kambey, dr., MMedEd, AFAMEE APIPECNet. from Asia-Pacific perspective.