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Online Inauguration of Faculty of Medicine's New Professors

Along with the momentum of commemorating the National Awakening Day of the Indonesian Nation on 20 May 2020, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held an online inauguration ceremony for two Professors from the Faculty of Medicine of UNS in accordance with the health protocol established by the Indonesian Government during COVID-19 pandemic. The new professors are:
1.    Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. 
Professor of Public Health
“Covid-19 pandemic and Indonesia health systems resilience: lessons learned and ways forward“
2.    Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K).
Professor of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine
“Covid-19: A Disease with A Thousand Faces, A Thousand Problems“

The inauguration of the two professors increased the number of UNS professors to 220 consisting of 122 active professors. The emergence of this UNS professor from the Faculty of Medicine during the Covid-19 pandemic had a very important role in stopping the development of this very deadly virus. As a result of enemy attacks that do not appear to exist, namely covid-19, that this corona virus attack is known as World War IV. Currently, fellow doctors and medical teams around the world are facing health emergencies, namely due to the attack of a deadly enemy that does not appear to be covid-19.

This pandemic is the biggest world's health problem, not only of the health team but also of world leaders because the steps and policies taken must demonstrate proficiency. It must be admitted that this situation puts mental stress on anyone due to the high factor of ignorance and uncertainty about what can beat Covid-19. It must be remembered that the biggest battle in defeat against the Covid-19 pandemic is the collapse of the national health system, therefore to coincide with the National Awakening Day on 20 May 2020, the Faculty of Medicine UNS gave birth to 2 Professors in Public Health Sciences and Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine. It is hoped that the emergence of these 2 professors will prevent them from helping to cope with the rate of the Covid -19 outbreak, namely to be able to find effective anti-viral drugs and vaccines to cure Covid -19.

UNS, which is supported by its entire academic community, has come out as a campus that embodies service to the community who are currently suffering from the ferocity of the Covid-19 virus.

Public Relation of Faculty of Medicine UNS, Ari Kusbiyanto, S.Pi., M.H.