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Poskestren Sebagai Pusat Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Bidang Kesehatan

Dr. H. Endang Sutisna Sulaeman, M.Kes [2]


Poskestren is a unit of health service in Pesantren which giving plenary elementary health service including of promotive (improvement), preventive (prevention), curative (medication), and rehabilitative which executed by santri to the members of Pesantren and their society. Special for the service of medication executed by the doctor or other health servant which is getting authority form community health centre.

The target of Poskestren in general are expand Healthy and Clean Life Behavior ( PHBS) in environment of Pesantren and their society with the religious approach, while target specially are: (1) Fufilled of elementary health service and (2) Formed and expand pattern of health by prepayment (healthy giving).

Process the empowerment of society in health sector at the Poskestren basically is facility of Pesantren and society experience the study process of the organizational trouble-shooting cycle (society organization), with the step: (1) Identifying problem, ( 2) Diagnosis problem, ( 3) Specifying competent trouble-shooting alternative, planning activity and execute, ( 4) Watching and evaluating activity and program, analyse the resistance and overcome the resistance, and also construct the continuity of health efforts which have been conducted.

As for steps of activity of empowerment of society of health area [pass/through] the Poskestren are: (1) Deliberation with the stakeholders of Pesantren and the stakeholders of the district ( 2) Forming of cadre and team of health Poskestren, (3) Survey and identify the problem and potency by stakeholders Pesantren, society and also cadre ( 4) Deliberation Poskestren that is meeting of stakeholders Pesantren and society to study result of Attentional Survey, formulating problem, specifying priority of its problem, formulating trouble-shooting alternative, specifying competent trouble-shooting alternative, support and contribution of each part and also plan the activity and program Poskestren, (6) Activity Execution: election an official member of Poskestren, Education And training of cadre Poskestren, and also management and development of activity and program Poskestren, (7) Monitoring and evaluate the mechanism review in deliberation work the Poskestren periodical.

[1] Disampaikan pada Musyawarah Poskestren Pontren Jamsaren pada Tanggal 16 Oktober 2008
[2] Staf Pengajar pada Institute for Health Economic and Policy Studies, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine,  
     Sebelas Maret University